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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

Why does peanut oil need to be refined?

September 30, 2021

peanut oil

Due to the presence of certain moldy oils, the mycotoxins in the crude oil can be greatly exceeded. For example, peanut oil is easily contaminated by aflatoxin, and its aflatoxin content is sometimes as high as 1000-10000ug/kg. Therefore, peanut oil needs to be refined before it can be eaten. Aflatoxin is a highly toxic substance with a higher toxicity than potassium cyanide. It is a strong chemical carcinogen currently found. The carcinogenicity is 900 times that of Butter Yellow and 75 times greater than the ability of dimethyl nitrite to induce liver cancer. Aflatoxins can accumulate in adipose tissue to high levels and show strong toxicity. Aflatoxin can inhibit the coupling of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, and is toxic to mitochondrial cells, which is the common cause of common aflatoxin poisoning and biochemical damage. After poultry eats feed contaminated with aflatoxin, its hydroxylated metabolites will appear in its edible parts and milk, with acute, subacute or chronic toxic effects. After humans consume food contaminated with aflatoxin, the incidence of liver cancer increases. Many aflatoxins can synergize with hepatitis B virus to induce liver cancer. Aflatoxin is heat-resistant, and it is not easily destroyed at the temperature of general cooking and processing, and it will be cracked when it is higher than 280 degrees Celsius. It has low solubility in water and is easily soluble in oil and some organic solvents. Under alkaline conditions, the lactone ring is destroyed to form sodium salt and dissolve in water, but under acidic conditions, a reverse reaction occurs to restore its toxicity. Aflatoxin can be adsorbed by saponins, activated clay, activated carbon, etc., degraded by a certain wavelength of ultraviolet light, and can also be destroyed in high temperature treatments such as deodorization. Therefore, the oil can be refined to remove this toxin. my country stipulates that the content of aflatoxin in general edible oil is less than 10ug/kg, and that in peanut oil is less than 20ug/kg.