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Waste treatment in the production of fatty chemicals

September 30, 2021

fatty chemicals

 Exhaust gas, wastewater and waste residues produced in the production of fatty chemicals need to be properly treated to control environmental pollution and maintain ecological balance.

1. Waste gas treatment Waste gas produced in the production of fatty chemicals can be treated by incineration or scrubbing. The incineration method is divided into two methods: thermal incineration and catalytic incineration, and the temperature is lower during catalytic incineration. The scrubbing method is to destroy or absorb gas to achieve the purpose of treatment. The acid potassium permanganate solution can be used to treat the gas escaping from the biological system. Ozone has been successfully used to treat waste gas generated by bacterial decomposition of sewage and fatty chemicals. The cost of the scrubbing method is lower than that of incineration.

2. Wastewater treatment There are two methods for wastewater treatment in the production of fatty chemicals, namely, the indirect method and the direct method. In the indirect method, the waste water is separated by gravity to remove the residue, then adjusted to pH 5.5-9.0 with acid or alkali, and discharged into the sewer. This method has low cost, can basically meet the requirements of wastewater purification, and has a wide range of applications. The wastewater treatment process of the direct method is complicated and expensive, but the wastewater is of good quality and does not require any other treatment.

3. Waste residue treatment Waste solid materials in the production of fatty chemicals mainly include residues, clay, catalysts and biochemical solids. Residues generally contain oil. In order to maximize the use of grease thermal energy, it is usually introduced into a steam boiler or incinerator for incineration. The white clay contains 20%-25% of oil. Generally, it is leached and recovered with a solvent, and then the white clay with low oil content is used as a fill. . Spent catalysts can be sold to smelters to recover metals. Biosolids are commonly used as soil fill or fertilizer.