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Three-pipe method for tea garden in winter

July 16, 2021
Cultivating fertilization
Tea gardens are picked in spring, summer, and autumn, and the rows are compacted, and weeds grow around the roots. Inter-tillage and weeding should be carried out in winter to loosen the soil. Cultivation is generally 20-30 cm deep, trenching 15-20 cm, combined with re-application of base fertilizer, farmhouse manure should be used, which is conducive to heat preservation, early germination and improvement of tea quality. It is required to apply more than 50 dans of miscellaneous fertilizers per acre, about 100 kg of cake fertilizer, 40 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 30 kg of potash fertilizer, and 30 kg of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer. Fertilizers should be applied in layers, soil miscellaneous fertilizers should be applied to the bottom layer below 20 cm, cake fertilizers should be applied to the soil layer of 10-15 cm, and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers are better.
Tea Garden
In winter, most of the pests on tea leaves are concentrated in the tea bushes for overwintering, but in winter, pesticides should be applied in a timely manner and the garden should be cleaned and disinfected. Generally, Baume 0.5 degree lime-sulfur mixture is sprayed throughout the garden, which can kill insects and prevent diseases. If harmful insects are still active, you can spray with 4000 times cypermethrin, 1500 times dichlorvos, and 1000 times omethoate. When spraying, spray evenly from bottom to top, from the inside and outside of the tea bushes, the back of the leaves, and the surface of the leaves. The litter in the tea garden is prone to pathogens, insect eggs, etc., which should be picked up and burned to reduce the spread of diseases and insects.
Tea Garden
Preserving winter buds
Delaying pruning and keeping winter buds can encourage early germination next year and early harvesting in the garden. The actual production proves that the tea gardens that are put into production are not pruned in late autumn and early spring, and winter buds (including latent buds) are protected, and they can be picked 7-10 days earlier. After the spring tea is picked, pruning and trimming the canopy, because the spring buds are of good quality and high in price, this can achieve higher economic benefits.

The above wonderful content is the sharing of Three-pipe method for tea garden in winter by Henan Zhongxing Grain and Oil Machinery Co., Ltd.