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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

The safety of grease

September 30, 2021


 In addition to the potential toxicity of certain components that are naturally present or added in oils, whether it is pure fat or food containing other lipids, certain heat-sensitive or chemically unstable components during processing, storage, transportation, circulation and eating A series of chemical reactions may occur and cause toxicity. Among them, the toxic unsaturated fatty oxides produced during heating and frying, especially the urea non-adducts formed have strong carcinogenic effects; the biochemical properties of trans fatty acids in hydrogenated oil have always been eye-catching; natural or added The solubility of hydrocarbons in liquid oil is also a problem. Due to the poor absorption selectivity of the cell membrane to fat-soluble substances, the potential toxicity caused by the human body's absorption and enrichment of most fat-soluble toxic substances in environmental pollution cannot be ignored. The tragic incident of polychlorinated biphenyls causing edible oil poisoning still makes people worry; the solvent used in the oil leaching technology and its pollution to the environment are being more and more questioned and re-examined, and the use of supercritical Carbon dioxide leaching technology, at least in terms of continuity and production costs, cannot replace the existing grease leaching technology for a long time. In addition, with the continuous increase and commercialization of genetically modified oil crops, the safety of genetically modified oil products has increasingly become the focus of attention. At the same time, countries around the world have increasingly strict regulations on food management and hygiene, posing new challenges to the safety of commonly eaten fat products. Erucic acid is mainly found in cruciferous seeds, such as rapeseed and mustard seed. Regarding the health effects of high erucic acid rapeseed oil, there have been many controversies. It was initially believed that erucic acid was toxic and could damage the hearts of rats. Myocarditis characterized by fibrosis occurs in older mice, and the cause is caused by erucic acid. But later experiments with other animals and the results of human experiments proved that, except for mice, erucic acid has no toxic effect on other animals and humans. The damage to the heart of mice is due to the lack of a series of enzymes in the mice’s body, which is harmful to vegetables. The digestion and absorption rate of seed oil is low. From a nutritional point of view, the content of essential fatty acids in high erucic acid rapeseed oil is too low, while the content of erucic acid is too high, and the carbon chain of erucic acid is too long, which affects human absorption. Therefore, the nutrient methyl ester of high erucic acid rapeseed oil is far inferior to that Soybean oil, cottonseed oil and other vegetable oils.