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New red grape variety---Honggao

July 19, 2021
Ⅰ.Main traits of "red high"
1. Fruit traits
The ears are mostly conical with accessory ears. The ear is large, the ear length is 17.5--21.5 cm, the ear width is 14-16 cm, the average ear weight is 625 grams, and the maximum ear weight is 1030 grams. The fruit kernels are compact and the ears are neat in size. The fruit has a short oval shape, a deep purple-red color, consistent coloration and consistent maturity. The fruit has large grains with a longitudinal diameter of 2.41--3.25 cm and a transverse diameter of 1.9-2.7 cm. The average grain weight is 9.0 grams and the maximum grain weight is 15 grams. The peel is thick, without astringency, and the fruit powder is medium. The flesh is crisp, and the flesh near the seeds is slightly softer, without sacs, juicy, yellow-green juice, sweet, with a strong rose fragrance. Each fruit contains 1-3 seeds, mostly 2 seeds. The seed and the pulp are easy to separate. No small green particles. The soluble solid content is 18%-19%. Fresh food is of high quality.
2. Growth and fruiting habit
Plant growth is moderate. Hidden buds have strong germination ability. The bud eye germination rate is 90%-95%, the branching rate is 98%, and the branch maturity is good. The resulting branches accounted for 90% of the total number of bud eyes. The average number of ears per fruiting branch is 1.23-1.53, and the strength of new shoots germinated by hidden buds is medium. It adopts high, wide and vertical frame, 220 plants/mu, and the fruit yield is 1200-1500 kg/mu.
3. Phenological phase
In Zhangjiagang area, buds sprout from April 1--9, bloom from May 15--25, and berries begin to mature from September 1--5. The number of days from germination to ripening of berries is 147-162 days. The effective accumulated temperature during this period was 3331.3-3642.3°C. The berries are late-maturing varieties and resistant to disease.
4. Adaptability
This variety shows high yield, disease resistance and easy coloring in Suzhou, Nantong, and Jinhua, Zhejiang. In Zhangjiagang City, 1200 grafted seedlings were planted in March 2001, a total of 0.33 hectares. All the results in 2002, the total yield was 5600 kg, the color was uniform, and the appearance was beautiful. Among them, 0.05 hectares of open field cultivation showed better disease resistance. No downy mildew and black pox occurred.
Ⅱ.Cultivation Techniques
Honggao has moderate growth potential and good flower bud differentiation; tender shoots and young leaves have more thick hairs, strong disease resistance, and easy cultivation. In areas where the annual rainfall is above 800 mm, greenhouses should be used for rain-proof cultivation.
1. Young tree management
(1) Frame type: The cultivation posture adopts "high, wide and vertical T-shaped frame", which is suitable for standardized management (220 plants per mu, 3 meters x 1 meter).
(2) Ditch digging and fertilization: Before planting, dig a ditch and fertilize. The width of the ditch is 1 company and the depth is 0.6 to 0.8 meters. 100 kg of superphosphate, and made into deep furrows and high ridges.
(3) Planting: Plant at a distance of 1 meter. After planting, water thoroughly and cover with plastic film.
(4) Spraying medicine to prevent disease: After spreading 3 leaves, spray a fungicide once every 8-10 days to prevent disease. You can use Cobo, Penke, Myenolin, Kelu, etc. alternately. It is best to spray medicine. Add Baolifeng No. 1 or No. 2 at the same time. When pests are found, add Wanling No. 1 spray.
(5) Top dressing to promote growth: After spreading 5 leaves, top dressing can be started. For top dressing from April to May, 0.3% urea or 0.5% ammonium bicarbonate can be used. The method of use is to spray with fertilizer solution after the roots of the seedlings are broken. From June to July, topdressing 0.3%-0.5% compound fertilizer: mainly topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in August, topdressing once every 8--10 days, until September.
(6) Vertical column shaping: After the seedlings are planted, the cement column is erected in time to tighten the iron wire. For planting seedlings, insert a bamboo pole, leave a new shoot, tie the vines in time, top off at the 1.2-meter first iron wire, leave 2 auxiliary shoots on the top, and grow to the left and right sides to form 2 arm vines, the upper arm vines are long. The outgoing deputy shoots do not need to manage.
(7) Winter cut: The winter cut is flat stubble at the joint of the two arm vines. The secondary shoots on the arm vines should have 2-3 buds with a diameter of ≥0.5 cm, and a flat stubble of less than 0.5 cm. For seedlings that have not grown to the first wire, cut 2-3 buds at the base and reshape them in the second year.
2. Growing Tree Management
(1) Fertilizer for topdressing sprout: 15-20 days before germination, in southern Jiangsu in early and mid-March, topdressing fertilizer with 5-7 kg of urea per mu.
(2) Wipe buds and fix shoots: wipe out double buds, multi-headed buds, and too weak buds after germination: after forming new shoots, the new shoots are bound to both sides of the wire, and the shoots are fixed at a distance of 15-20 cm between the new shoots of each wire. The amount of new shoots left can be controlled at 2200-3000 shoots/mu.
(3) Ear thinning and yielding: after budding to the early stage of flowering, the ears are thinned in batches, the overburdened ones are removed, the extra-large ears and weak spikelets are removed. About 1800-2000 ears are reserved per mu.
(4) Flower thinning and fruit thinning: 1 week before flowering, the ears are thinned, the auxiliary ears are removed, and the ear tips are pinched. After the flower and the fruit are set, the fruit should be thinned. After the fruit is thinned, spray a thorough and meticulous fungicide once in time, and then bag it.
(5) Topdressing swelling fertilizer: generally topdressing fully decomposed chicken manure or cake fertilizer in time after flowering, 200 kg per mu, combined with ternary compound fertilizer, 30 kg per mu and 10 kg potassium sulfate, applied in 2 times.
(6) Topdressing coloring fertilizer: When the berries change color, apply potassium sulfate 10-15 kg/mu. Combined with pesticides, add 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate for foliar fertilizer or 0.6% for Baolifeng No.2.
(7) Winter pruning: Medium and long shoots should be used in the south, and medium and short shoots should be used in the north.

The above wonderful content is the sharing of new red grape variety---Honggao by Henan Zhongxing Grain and Oil Machinery Co., Ltd.