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The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

How to distinguish the quality of the oil squeezed by the screw press?

September 26, 2021

the quality of the oil

Nowadays, more and more oil processing plants can see the quality of the oil visually, but when we judge the quality of vegetable oils, we can directly identify them from the following aspects.


     1. Odor: All kinds of vegetable oils have their own special odors, which can be used to identify the type of oil, its quality, whether it can be used, etc. through the senses. Try the oil quality with your mouth. The spoiled oil will have sour, bitter, spicy and bitter taste, while the good quality oil will have no peculiar smell and have a round taste. The method is to take a small amount with a glass rod, apply it on the tongue that has been rinsed, and savor it carefully.


       2. Color and luster: each oil has its own color and luster, according to which it can be distinguished whether the oil has the normal luster of that kind of oil.


        3. Moisture and impurities: Grease is a hydrophobic substance, and it is not easy to mix with water under normal circumstances. But oils and fats often contain a small amount of phospholipids and other impurities that can absorb water and form colloidal substances to suspend the oil. Therefore, there is any trace of water in the oil. This part of the water is generally mixed in the oil production process, and also mixed with impurities. Excessive moisture and impurities in the oil not only affect the quality, but also accelerate the hydrolysis and rancidity of the oil, which affects the storage stability of the oil. The simple identification of the moisture and impurities of vegetable oil is based on the transparency of the oil, the degree of turbidity, the amount of suspended solids and sediments, and various phenomena that appear after changing the conditions. The human sensory organs are used to analyze and judge. Scientific identification requires the use of relevant instruments and methods prescribed by the state.