Case Center

The company attaches importance to the role and training of technical talents, actively introduces foreign technical experience,and through the perfect quality management system certification, production of marketable high and new, sharp products, thus in a variety of fuel, rice, wheat, corn, and other areas of the processing machinery and equipment have domestic advantage.

Russian Clients Visit

July 13, 2021

Date: on February 2, 2020, customers from Russia visited us (Zhongxing grain and Oil Machinery Co., Ltd.), and Yulu, CEO of the company, and Mr. Miao, general manager of the company, led a delegation to visit the oil pressing equipment workshop, corn milling workshop and whole wheat processing machinery factory of Zhongxing grain and oil machinery Machinery Co., Ltd. Play the video of our oil processing machinery.

Have dinner with them.

Thank you for visiting and watching our grain machinery.

Henan Zhongxing Grain And Oil Machinery Co.,Ltd.